Instinctively Close Part 4 - The Solo Artist

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Foreword by Dr Sam Taylor – vet and specialist in feline medicine

“People often ask me what drives their cats’ more curious behaviours.”

• Why do they sleep in such strange places?

• What are they trying to tell me when they meow so much?

• Why do they go missing, only to emerge hours later with a ‘present’ left ceremoniously on the doormat?

This report offers guidance on getting ‘instinctively closer’ to your pet – understanding why they do the things they do and why they’re not as far removed from their big cat cousins as we might think.

It also explores why wilder natural instincts can sometimes leave them vulnerable and how a little preventative care can help them roam the suburban jungle and the great indoors in safety.

Each section in this guide focuses on a different behaviour, alongside advice to help your family and your cat live together harmoniously.

‘Why does my cat hate it when the house gets crowded?’

Cats, just like teenagers, need their alone time.
They can seem like party poopers during the holiday season when the house is overcrowded with unfamiliar, noisy visitors.

It’s tempting to console them with cuddles, however you should try to respect the fact that they need their space and advise your guests to do the same. The festive period is stressful enough, without a furious feline to contend with!

To make matters worse, winter is also a time when the house can get crowded with some other unwelcome visitors ... fleas who want to join the party! As we crank up the central heating, the flea pupae that have been lying dormant in our carpets can spring to life.

Dr Sam Taylor explains why fleas are so good at surviving:

“Fleas are very effective at reproduction and egg laying. Larvae are photophobic (which means they dislike light) and tend to bury themselves deep into carpets or soft furnishings.”

“The larvae grow and develop into pupae, each encased in a sticky cocoon. An adult flea develops within the cocoon and awaits a sign (like vibration, moisture or noise) that there is an animal or person close by. They can lie waiting in the cocoon for this signal for up to two years.”

“However, in the right conditions, the whole life cycle of the flea can be completed in as few as 15 days, helping to explain why these parasites are so abundant.”

The spot-on flea product Advantage not only kills fleas on your pet but also helps with the problem in the home by killing the larval stages of the flea.

Dr Taylor’s advice:

“It’s best to use a preventative product to treat for fleas. Vacuuming will remove some debris and some larvae and pupae, but they are
so persistent. I would recommend treating all pets in a household for fleas, as fleas can easily be passed from pet to pet, as well as to humans.”

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