Instinctively Close Part 2 - The Trooper

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Foreword by Dr Sam Taylor – vet and specialist in feline medicine

“People often ask me what drives their cats’ more curious behaviours.”

• Why do they sleep in such strange places?

• What are they trying to tell me when they meow so much?

• Why do they go missing, only to emerge hours later with a ‘present’ left ceremoniously on the doormat?

This report offers guidance on getting ‘instinctively closer’ to your pet – understanding why they do the things they do and why they’re not as far removed from their big cat cousins as we might think.

It also explores why wilder natural instincts can sometimes leave them vulnerable and how a little preventative care can help them roam the suburban jungle and the great indoors in safety.

Each section in this guide focuses on a different behaviour, alongside advice to help your family and your cat live together harmoniously.

‘How do I know when my cat is unwell?’

Evolution has programmed domestic cats to mask signs of illness, so they don’t appear weak to predators or competitors. Dr Sam Taylor says:

“Our modern moggie isn’t too far away from African wild cats – solitary hunters who could potentially be eaten by bigger predators. So, as opposed to dogs who are protected by their pack, cats have evolved to look after number one.”

Sometimes cat owners may recognise some of the signs of illness. Changes in appetite or toilet habits could indicate worm infestation. Diarrhoea or other gastrointestinal signs and symptoms should act as red flags, as worms may be the cause in untreated cats.

A dull coat can also be a sign your cat is unwell.

However, it’s important to acknowledge that many cats won’t show any obvious signs of distress or discomfort.

Sam’s advice is that many owners will never know their cat is unwell, so don’t take the risk.

“Your cat may never show signs of having fleas or worms but if your cat is not protected, then they could be present.”

“We should be giving our pets regular parasite preventatives to keep them protected. Taking our cats to the vets on a routine basis (at least once a year or more frequently for older cats or those with ongoing health problems) is key to ensuring all their health needs are met.”


Did you know...

The furry tufts on the inside of cats’ ears are called “ear furnishings”. They insulate the ear and help filter out sounds and debris. It’s important to keep ears healthy and parasite free.1


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